Enhancing Girls Education

Enhancing Girls Education

Education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for girls and women. Offering girls basic education is one sure way of giving them much greater power — of enabling them to make genuine choices over the kinds of lives they wish to lead. This is not a...
FAWE Kenya Spreading Her Wings

FAWE Kenya Spreading Her Wings

It’s evidently a good time for women in the industry. We are increasingly seeing more women in senior positions, running large businesses; even in traditionally male-dominated roles and sectors, women are balancing the scale. We are lucky to be surrounded by some very...
Promoting Girls STEAM Education

Promoting Girls STEAM Education

STEAM ToT Training Female students represent 35% of all the students enrolled in STEM- related  fields of study at this level globally. Only 3% of female students in higher education choose information and communication technologies (ICT) studies. This gender...
Micar’s Success Story

Micar’s Success Story

My Name is Mwazighe Micar a beneficiary of Fawe Kenya/AGSP Program. I was born in a humble background in TaitaTaveta County. I was brought up smelling and seeing challenges right, left and center. Despite that, I was able to maneuver and achieve my dreams. This is...