As we are in the third Phase of the ASRHR Programme, the main objective is Advocating for National Action to Protect Adolescent Girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Kenya. The main approach to achieving this goal is through popularization and operationalization of the ASRH and Rights policy in Kenya by the end of 2019, enhancing capacities of teachers, peer educators, community leaders and health workers on ASRHR, Media advocacy, and subsequent documentation of the process and its progress. Besides the school going youth, the projects also target the out of school youth that comprises the graduate youth, FAWE alumnae, and the local youth in the targeted counties as an outreach program to inform the community of ASRHR policy content.
We conducted 1 Nationwide 3 days’ advocacy campaign to raise awareness on sexuality education and their significance to the youth especially at an early age. During the youth capacity building session conducted in five counties, we were able to reach 1478 youth in Nairobi and the four counties in Western Kenya. The trained youth became part of the Peer Educator Leaders and were ready for deployment for the sensitization drive on sexuality education during the 30 days’ national campaign. The direct beneficiaries of this campaign on Sexuality Education were young people, in and out of school, within the age of 12 to 30 years with low educational level, inadequate knowledge regarding SRH issues and limited access to SRH services.
The Key deliverables of the campaign were; contribution towards improved quality or quantity of reproductive health and youth friendly services for young people in the pre-pregnancy phase through the coupon system ;Provision of comprehensive information, sex education on the development of skills, abilities and positive life values regarding Youth and seeking health care; Promoted participation, social mobilization and empowerment of the community to achieve comprehensive sustainable changes and solutions and make thehealth system more resposive to sexuality chanllenges young people face.
The campaign held in Kariobangi North, Korogocho, Mathare (Nairobi) ; Mumias east and Lurambi (Kakamega County) ; Gem South and Rarieda (Siaya County) and Butula Sub and Nambale in Busia County. The total being 10,237 .
1395 – Nairobi County
3813 – Kakamega County
2989 – Siaya County
2040 – Busia County
The campaign emphasized on the need for the acquisition of skills by the community which are necessary to develop critical thinking, to promote community dialogue and collective action in social change processes; community capacity as an organizing construct for community-involvement interventions; and initiate social action to obtain changes within the community to create an enabling environment that influences choices available to youth and related decision – making on their sexuality.
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