Our Approach

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FAWE Kenya work includes encouraging governments, international organisations and local communities to enact policies and provide positive learning environments that treat girls and boys equally. We use a four-pronged approach to transform girls’ education and to achieve gender equity and equality in education across Africa:

Strategic Objectives:

  1. To advocate for policy change and implementation at National and County levels.
  2. To promote girls education as a right by increasing access, improving retention and enhancing performance in education.
  3. To build public awareness and consensus on the social and economic advantages of girls’ education through continued advocacy.
  4. To undertake interventions that demonstrate how to achieve improved access, retention, transition, participation and Completion.
  5. To influence replication and mainstreaming of best practices from previous interventions into broader national education policy and practice.

Supporting Objectives:

  1. To create a skilled and vibrant FAWE network with the capacity to deliver the strategic objectives
  2. To cement a strong and productive partnership with like-minded people committed to gender equity and equality in education
1. Policy Advocacy
Influencing governments and other partners to review existing educational policies and adopt strategies to achieve greater and better participation of girls in education
2. Community Advocacy
Building public awareness on the social and economic value of girls’ education so that citizens themselves take responsibility for the task and collectively work to support the agenda.
3. Interventions
Developing and promoting models that demonstrate that contexts can be created that are conducive to girls’ enrolment, continuation and successful completion of the school cycle.
4. Replication and mainstreaming
Encouraging governments to adopt and generalise innovations that have demonstrated positive impacts on girls’ schooling.