Celebrating International Women’s Day 2023!

On March 8, the world celebrated International Women's Day 2023, themed "DigitAll: Innovation and technology for gender equality." With the goal of embracing and championing equality, the world celebrated women and girls utilizing the digital space to address social...

Forum for African Women Educationalists, Kenya Chapter (FAWEK) launch their new Strategic Plan (2022-2026)

The Forum for African Women Educationalists, Kenya Chapter launched their Strategic Plan (2022-2026) on 11th October 2022. The day that coincided with the ‘International Day of the Girl Child’ also marked the 26th anniversary since the organization started. Speaking...

STEM training that is shaping my career

My name is John Muriithi~ A Marxist and a tech enthusiast In today’s competitive and consumer-driven market, technology is no longer a novelty or an option. It’s gradually becoming the norm. Every organization is looking to up or rather leveraging technology for...

FAWE Kenya changing lives

  Home and Family. Having been born in a family of six, 4 elder brothers and one sister [late by now], my childhood and growing has been hectic all through. Varying from hunger, inadequate basic needs, sickness and most crucially school fees for my brothers and...


Tabitha Njeri Murigi

I did take part in the Girls Scholarship Programme from Form Three. I schooled in my grandparents’ home since my mother-a single mother didn’t have any meaningful source of income. My grandparents struggled to put me through primary education. I worked very hard and scored 506/700 marks despite knowing that there was no hope of joining high school due to financial strains. I prayed and waited for God’s intervention. FAWE offered me a full scholarship catering for not only school fees, but also pocket money to ensure that I didn’t lack anything. Workshops were held and various professionals invited to talk to us. This charged my energy and sharpened my vision. I worked hard to attain my goals and not to disappoint my Sponsors and Mentors.

Mercy Wangechi

I needed help to complete my high school education. My mom was having a hard time getting enough money to pay mine as well as my siblings school fees hence we approached FAWE for assistance. My mom struggled a lot to raise 3 children and take them through school. We were always being sent home from school due to non-clearance of fees. End of my third year in high school was a particularly bad one because I had accumulated some balance for the current year plus I was heading to form 4 where concentration was needed in order to perform well.

Fancy’s Life History

My name is Fancy Chepkemoi from Koru Girls’ High School; I am 17 years old and I in form three.  I come from a single headed guardian family of four children and am the second born in our family. When I was six years old we lost our dear mother through a fatal accident and that is when we remain orphans.  By then my sister was in class eight and my youngest brother was to begin nursery education.  Following this incident my sister had to repeat while my brother had to delay back for another one year since there was no one to direct us through.

Emmaculate Akoko

My name is Emmaculate Adhiambo Akoko both a beneficiary and a peer counselor of FAWEK.  I was born on 21st September, 1996 to Mary and the late Jorim Akoko.  I am the first born in the family of four: my twin brother Eddy is in Orero Boy’s,Valerie (class 6) and Jeremy (class 4).  I began my nursery at Susana Millennium Academy in 2000.  During that time my father was ailing in the hospital until 28th April, 2000 when he passed on. Later I joined Sony Primary due to the fees burden; where I sat my K.C.P.E in 2009 attaining 312 marks.

Beatrice Chepkemoi

I am Chepkemoi Beatrice born in 24.4.1996 in Kericho District Hospital.  My mother is a window with five siblings and am the third born in our family. I joined Kokwet nursery school in 2001 and later proceeded to Kokwet primary school in 2002, I winded up my primary education level in 2009, and then I joined Koru Girls High School in 2012. Before the FAWEK group sponsored me, I was prone to going home for fee and staying for even threes and sometimes I could miss the exam.  Due to my failure to attend some lessons, I used to fail.  I had lost hope on my studies.

Doreen Nafula Wekesa

My name is Doreen Nafula Wekesa from kimilili, Bungoma County in the larger western Kenya region an alumnus of Bishop Sulumeti Girls High school. I orphaned while I was very young and brought up by my grandparents who were not financially stable. My grandfather has since passed on, now I and my siblings are left with my aging grandmother overwhelmed by the demands of bringing up a family. We are three children in the household which is grass thatched with only one room.  As we all know, growing up in a grandparent’s household means that the children are more likely to live below or at the poverty line while the parent tries to make ends meet.

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Some of the real life testimonies of individuals that have been assisted by the FAWEK organization